SHOP > Code Car Details
Coding for kids has never been easier. Code Car is the all-in-one package that teaches coding the fun way: hands on!

$49.99 15% off
when you take our 2 question survey below!- Code Car Board with 5 onboard LED lights, a speaker, and 4 buttons
- Retractable USB cable that plugs into standard USB 2.0 or 3.0 ports.
- Reference cards for code concepts including: loops, functions, 'if' statements.
- Tough carrying case to contain all the components listed above.
Using the free software for Windows, Mac, or Chromebook desktops or laptops (no tablets or phones), coders can complete the following lessons:
- Headlight LED On
- Brakelight LED Blink
- Flash Both Siren LEDs
- Toggle Siren LEDs
- Beep The Horn
- Car Tunes Custom Car Alarm
- Brake Pedal
- Button Horn Honk
- Horn Honk Variable
- Rising Pitch Horn
- Siren Lights Button
- Siren Toggle Button
- Backup Alarm
- Headlight Switch
- Hack the Code Car
- Coding in the C++ (see-plus-plus) coding language
- Microcontroller is ATMEGA 328P, like the Arduino Uno board
- Software is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10 and Mac OSX 10.9 and above, plus Chromebooks.
- Software requires internet connection to code.
- No batteries are required - the board is powered by the USB port.